Horses Grieve, Too. How to Help Them.

Horses Grieve, Too. How to Help Them.

Horses Grieve, Too. How to Help Them. Share this episode:       In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April offers guidance on helping your horse cope with the loss of a pasture mate. A horse’s herd is their family, and the absence of a companion...
You can potty-train your horse, here’s how

You can potty-train your horse, here’s how

Wouldn’t it be nice if your horse put all his manure in a nice pile for you? In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, I talk about my own personal horse journey. Among the things I learned, by accident was that you can potty train horses! It is much easier...
Healthier alternatives to chemical paste wormers

Healthier alternatives to chemical paste wormers

Many internal parasites are building up resistance to chemical paste wormers, so how can you control parasites naturally? Remember, the paste wormers available on the market are poison! There are other ways to keep the horse healthy so they do not pick up parasites in...

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