Prevent Uveitis in Horses for Healthier Eyes

Prevent Uveitis in Horses for Healthier Eyes Share this article: Table of Contents Do you notice swelling above or below your horse’s eye? Is the inside corner inflamed and pink, or is the eye constantly tearing up? Maybe there’s a weird discharge? These are telltale...

The Importance of the First Rib in Horses

Join us in this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks with April Love as we explore the often-overlooked significance of the first mobility rib in equine anatomy. She sheds light on how misalignments of the first rib can lead to various issues with people such as thoracic outlet syndrome, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, bursitis, and carpel tunnel syndrome. So think about all the things it could be impeding your horse’s freedom of movement in the front end. This is what starts the high-low hoof syndrome, horse not picking up right or left lead, mysterious lameness, kissing spine, behavioral issues, and even roaring in horses requiring expensive tie-back surgery.

Summer Time Tune-Up for Your Horse

As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, it’s time to give our equine companions the extra care they need to thrive during the summer months. From hoof health to hydration and performance support, here’s a quick guide to tuning up your horse for the season ahead.

Sidebone; what can you do about it?

Sadly, in my travels, I have seen sidebone starting on horses as young as 3 years old!   What causes 'calcifications' like sidebone, ringbone, arthritic hocks and knees that can lame our horses and decrease their ride-able years? When our body is not correctly loading...

Learn What Is Wrong With Your Horse, From Your Horse

If you cannot get someone to come out to do bodywork on your horse, you can learn how to do it yourself at home or a clinic. Live help is so challenging to find these days. Some clinicians want you to buy their DVD or package and then — Good luck! I can help you...

Keep Your Horse’s Lungs Healthy (Especially During Fire Season)

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Improper Saddle Fit Can Have Far-Reaching Effects on Your Horse!

Does your saddle fit properly?  I invite you to go out to your horse and tie them, standing on a level surface.  Next, stand on a stool or bucket five to ten feet behind them.  Notice the alignment of the horse’s body.  Is one side of the rump higher than the other? ...

Maintaining Healthy Weight in Older Horses with Vegan Fat Sources

In this episode, our founder, April Love, shares valuable information on maintaining the well-being of older horses, focusing on a simple recipe for a vegan fat source. The discussion delves into practical tips for horses with missing teeth, difficulty gaining weight, and the importance of identifying and addressing insulin resistance.

Healthier alternatives to chemical paste wormers

Many internal parasites are building up resistance to chemical paste wormers, so how can you control parasites naturally? Remember, the paste wormers available on the market are poison! There are other ways to keep the horse healthy so they do not pick up parasites in...

Horses Grieve, Too. How to Help Them.

In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April offers guidance on helping your horse cope with the loss of a pasture mate. Horse’s herd is their family, and the absence of a companion can be deeply distressing. While it’s natural to want to replace the lost companion immediately, April suggests giving your horse space to grieve and process their emotions.

Dogs Love Bodywork, Too! (Prevents ACL Tears and  Hip Displaysia.)

Dogs Love Bodywork, Too! (Prevents ACL Tears and Hip Displaysia.)

If you’ve ever watched your dog run and noticed something a bit off—like both hind legs moving together or noticeably dragging their toes—it might be more than just an aging issue or a minor injury. Proactively managing canine skeletal health can prevent long-term joint issues such as hip dysplasia and ACL tears.

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Natural Remedies for Laminitis in Horses

Natural Remedies for Laminitis in Horses

Natural Remedies for Laminitis in Horses Share this episode: Table of Contents Horse’s hooves have to support the entire body. Hoof care must be the foundation for complete health care. In this...

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Avian Flu and Other Viruses May Be Affecting Your Horse’s Vitality

Avian Flu and Other Viruses May Be Affecting Your Horse’s Vitality

There has been a lot of news about Avian Flu infecting cattle and humans. Is it possible horses could contract this and other diseases? What can horse owners do to protect their horses? In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April discusses ways to keep horses as healthy as possible and empower people to help their horses rather than always relying on paid services.

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Mystac Mag Interview: Unwinding the Secrets of Equine Performance, April Love’s Journey to Holistic Healing

Mystac Mag Interview: Unwinding the Secrets of Equine Performance, April Love’s Journey to Holistic Healing

April Love, the visionary behind Holistic Horseworks LLC and the creator of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT), has always been captivated by the grace and power of horses in motion. Her journey began with a simple observation: some horses move more fluidly than others. This curiosity led her to uncover the deeper physical and emotional challenges…

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High-Low Hoof Syndrome: Unlock the Underlying Secret to Balanced Hooves

High-Low Hoof Syndrome: Unlock the Underlying Secret to Balanced Hooves

High-low hoof Syndrome is a condition that has long puzzled vets, farriers, and horse owners. It refers to an imbalance in a horse’s hooves, where one hoof has a steeper angle compared to the other. Standing and working on this imbalance can lead to a variety of biomechanical issues that affect not just the hooves but the entire musculoskeletal system of the horse. 

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Foals Need Bodywork, Too!

Foals Need Bodywork, Too!

Early bodywork can profoundly impact your foal’s development, ensuring they grow into healthy, balanced, and well-adjusted adults. Let’s talk about essential timing and techniques of early bodywork, helping you recognize signs of misalignment and understand the benefits of starting bodywork from a young age.

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Summer Heat and the Best Electrolytes for Horses

Summer Heat and the Best Electrolytes for Horses

As the summer heat sets in, it’s important to consider your horse’s electrolyte needs. Proper electrolyte supplementation can help keep your horse happy, healthy, and performing their best even in the hottest weather. Discover the importance of electrolytes and get our top recommendation for the best electrolytes, along with tips on when and how to use them effectively.

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Summer Time Tune-Up for Your Horse

Summer Time Tune-Up for Your Horse

As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, it’s time to give our equine companions the extra care they need to thrive during the summer months. From hoof health to hydration and performance support, here’s a quick guide to tuning up your horse for the season ahead.

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Biomechanics of the First Rib

Biomechanics of the First Rib

Ready to explore some insightful and helpful biomechanics info about your horse’s shoulder, first rib, front limbs, and hooves? Mastering this knowledge can keep your horse happy and moving freely well into their 30s! How do you know if your horse dealing with troublesome issues in these areas? Read on…

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Tips to Tune-Up Your Horse in Spring

Tips to Tune-Up Your Horse in Spring

As the vibrant colors of spring emerge and the weather warms, horse owners are gearing up to provide their equine companions with the care they need for the season ahead. Here are some essential spring tune-up tips to keep your horse happy, healthy, and ready for action.

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Maintaining Healthy Weight in Older Horses with Vegan Fat Sources

Maintaining Healthy Weight in Older Horses with Vegan Fat Sources

In this episode, our founder, April Love, shares valuable information on maintaining the well-being of older horses, focusing on a simple recipe for a vegan fat source. The discussion delves into practical tips for horses with missing teeth, difficulty gaining weight, and the importance of identifying and addressing insulin resistance.

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The Hyoid and First Rib Connection

The Hyoid and First Rib Connection

Many people talk about the hyoid as the cause of an issue. The equine industry has established that the hyoid is connected not only directly to the tongue, forelimb, and poll but also indirectly to the hindquarter. However, looking at this from a holistic perspective, it is also important to consider what else the hyoid is affected by. The prominent first rib misalignment, as we talk about so often here at Holistic Horseworks, will not only impact the front end of the horse but also back to the hind end and even all the way up to the hyoid.

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Are you ready to treat a wound in an emergency?

Are you ready to treat a wound in an emergency?

In this episode of Holistic Horseworks, April retells a story about an incident in one of her clinics. Despite being told repeatedly to NOT tie the horse to the corral panels, one student did just that. When the horse spooked, the corral panel hit another student in the head and caused a small but bloody gash. While her students were wondering what to do, April stepped in to treat the wounded student.

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Caring for Older Horses: Arthritis, Mobility, Nutrition, and Hooves

Caring for Older Horses: Arthritis, Mobility, Nutrition, and Hooves

In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April Love shares helpful practices for caring for older horses. She offers information not only about supporting the symptoms of arthritis but even more importantly, preventative measures to keep it at bay for as long as possible. April also shares many other useful tips for aging equines such as choosing healthy feed to keep on weight, the importance of daily stretching, and even hoof care.

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How does your horse’s environment affect their mood?

How does your horse’s environment affect their mood?

In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, host April Love delves into the often unseen environmental factors that can significantly affect a horse’s behavior, mineral assimilation, and overall immune system.
Through insightful anecdotes and practical advice, April sheds light on how power lines, water sources, and even natural elements like trees out in the pasture can impact a horse’s well-being.

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