I was having an odd problem with my skin – it was getting splotchy and sunburning in places – and I had never had any problems like this my entire life- even as a beach bunny in Florida in my teens lol! She ran the skin program remotely for me twice (via distance healing) and it totally cleared up!
Of course I was taking my LLVP too and had doubled my omegas- but I definitely think that the change happened way quicker than it would have, and I believe in frequency and vibrational healing and I personally feel like it will have to have an important place in the medicine of the future.

Ever since you did a couple distance Healy sessions on me, I feel much better and different. Stronger power and more energy, not feeling so drained. My head is calmer and it is easier to think.
Two days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling a strong power in my whole body. Next morning I read your message to me that you had done another session on me. I felt a big difference in the way I usually wake up in the mornings, more clear and more energy to start the day.
The same feeling happened when I got up this morning. I felt very happy, coming downstairs and I was in a extremely good mood. I read later you had done another session on me, totally unexpected. Even facing a hard day, I felt myself in a good mood during the day. I felt I was more sensitive and feeling things I do usually not feel so much.
The Healy is working well. I can feel the difference.
I am excited for my own Healy Resonance to arrive soon!
Thank you April for your time and help!
Distance Body & Mind Session for People, Horses, and Pets
$50.00 – $200.00
Full list of what the programs do HERE | What the Coherence programs do HERE
Not feeling as good as you would like to? Chronic joint or muscle pain? Not sleeping well? Other health concerns? Well here is a way to try a Healy session at home – click here to view what a Healy can do for you.
April uses her Healy Resonance to send resonant frequencies to you. This amazing pocket-sized device chooses from 144,000 different frequencies and over 140 programs for the right ones for you, no 2 sessions are ever the same.
$30 for one 2-hour session
$100 for four 2-hour private sessions
What you’ll need for this purchase see below
What came up as feedback for the sessions was very interesting, and I was surprised that she ran 4 hours of programs on me each session. I am in Florida and she is in Maui
I felt calmer, more at peace, and less body pain.
Truly enjoyed the sessions and will continue working with her!

I have been using the Healy Resonance for over a month now. I am feeling very calm and clear during these stressful times. My knee, which I re injured a month ago is healing very fast, circulation in my arm and hand is vastly improved, and my toothache is gone! Highly recommend for everyone, and April is AMAZING!!! So helpful, and goes the extra mile to help me understand how to get the most from the Healy.

Copy and paste the questions below into a new email to April [click here]
Please fill this out for your sessions with a Healy Resonance.
By filling out this sheet, you give permission to April Love to run Healy sessions on you.
Yes, I want a Healy session _________ initial_________ today's Date.
Please insert or attach a recent selfie headshot of you to the email april@holistichorseworks.com
Vitality___I will fill out
Name: age
email: Phone:
Address of where to send the healing at night
If doing a distance session for you or your pet include that picture
What is your main issue or concern today?
What else would you like to work on?
Local pain where? Pain scale 1-10?
How well do you sleep? How happy are you in your current life situation, 1-10?
Can you envision and set intentions of what your perfect for you life would be like?
Additional information
Session Length | $50 for 1 four hour session, $200 for 5 four hour sessions |