Are you searching for answers about why your horse may have these issues?

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Horse 101 Ebook

Has Your Horse Been Diagnosed With Any Of The Following Health Issues?

Then You’ve Came To Right Place

Kissing Spine

Find Out What Causes Kissing Spine In Horse & What You Can Do About It Yourself

Learn More

If Your Horse Has Puffy, Swollen, Weepy Or Red Eyes It Could Be A Sign Of A Deeper Health Issue

Learn More
High-Low Hoof Syndrome

Get To The Root Of The Problem For Permanent Results

Heavy On The Fore

Trouble With Transitions, Clearing Jumps & Enjoying Smooth Ride? We Can Fix That

Welcome To Whole New Way Of

Looking at Your Horse

… and really understanding what is going on inside them!

Whether you’re dealing with training challenges, saddle fit issues, mysterious lameness, or behavioral quirks like spookiness or head shaking, you’ve found your solution. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge to uncover and address these and many more issues effectively.

Are joint injections or medications like Previcox or UlcerGuard becoming routine for your horse? Heavy dewormers and vaccinations? You’re not alone in questioning what’s considered normal. We believe there’s always a better way and we’re here to show you how.

A Commonly Overlooked

Problem With Horses

Learn how a first rib misalignment can impact your horse’s comfort and performance. Did you know this issue is a common root cause for conditions like mysterious lameness, high-low hoof syndrome, and roach back?

It’s all interconnected, and understanding how can make a world of difference in your horse’s health.

Our Services

Online Courses

Voted the best online equine bodywork courses by hundreds of students! When you enroll get lifetime access, live support, and tons of bonus offers. Learn from home at your own pace. Available with subtitles in English, French, Spanish, and Dutch so that you can learn in multiple languages.

Hands-On Clinics

Learn in person at one of our hands-on horse bodywork clinics available globally. In just 9 days you can become proficient in equine bodywork and every level of Holistic Horseworks courses. Can’t find a clinic near you? If you can host a clinic at your barn, you can attend for free!

Recommended Practitioners

Looking for someone who can perform Holistic Horsework’s approved equine bodywork in your area? Visit our recommended practitioners page for equine care professionals from around the world. Become a recommended practitioner by completing a home study or clinic.

Dealing with

Lameness, Arthritis, Hock Injections, Roach Back, or Hunter’s Bump?

So many times we’ve been told, “That’s just your horse’s conformation,” but that’s not true.

After just one hour of bodywork, your horse can stand taller, with a relaxed neck, wider stance, straighter legs, and a higher back.

When the body is unwound, your horse can stand and perform with proper alignment. This allows them to distribute weight evenly, engage muscles correctly, and prevent strain, injury, or lameness from overworking the incorrect body parts. By achieving this balance, your horse will experience better health and performance!

Does your horse look like the photo on the top, with a high neck and a hollow back? After a 1-hour Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding session, they could look like the photo on the bottom, with a relaxed neck and high back! This is a horse’s natural posture.

Level 1: Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is available to learn in an online course and a hands-on clinic

Dealing with

Spooking, Head-Shy, Hard to Bridle, Uveitis, or Metabolic Issues?

At some point in their lives, often during their formative years, horses have a “pull back” incident when tied to a fence or post.

As they struggle and struggle to get free, the halter pulls against the top of their head causing the cranial bones to compress. If left unaddressed, this can lead to health issues.

Take a look at the following diagram. In the photo on the top, the eye is puffy, swollen, weepy, and red. This five-year-old horse was diagnosed with uveitis and was scheduled to have their eye removed.

The photo on the bottom is the same horse just one hour after an Equine Cranial Decompression session. During the next vet exam, the vet told the owner they no longer recommended removing the eye!

Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression is only available to learn in a hands-on clinic. However, Equine Cranial Sacral Energy Work may also help. 

Our Testimonials

Here From Some Of Our Happy Clients

About The Founder

Hii 👋, I’m April Love

Holistic Horseworks Founder

Owner of Holistic Horseworks LLC, I empower horse lovers to take healing into their own hands in order to keep their horses healthy, happy, and rideable through their 30’s while saving thousands of dollars on vet care. 

I’ve created a unique IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) approved methodology that I teach through in-person, hands-on clinics as well as virtual home study courses.

I’ve also trained and vetted many instructors who share this practice worldwide. 

Holistic Horseworks Global Instructors

Our dedicated team of instructors brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to equine professionals and horse owners around the world. Each instructor is certified in Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding and proficient in all levels of the Holistic Horseworks methodologies.

Our Courses

Level 1

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding

Home Study Program

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is an IICT-approved program that provides a unique approach to equine remedial therapy, focusing on gently releasing tension in the muscles and joints. Unlike traditional equine massage therapy courses, this method combines gentle yet effective bodywork techniques with subtle energy work to promote release, relaxation, and alignment. It’s designed to be easy to perform, making it accessible for all horse owners and equine practitioners.

Level 2

Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology

Home Study Program

Equine cranial sacral therapy seeks to identify and address imbalances or restrictions within this system, which may arise from physical trauma, stress, or other factors. Practitioners use gentle touch and manipulation techniques to release tension, improve fluid flow, and promote overall balance and well-being in the horse. By addressing issues in the craniosacral system, this type of bodywork therapy aims to support the horse’s natural ability to heal and maintain optimal health, performance, and behavior.

Our Blogs

Educational Horse Care Articles

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Horse 101 Ebook

DISCLAIMER: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet, and always consult them in the case of an emergency.

© 2024


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