Welcome to Holistic Horseworks Talks!

Hosted by April Love, the founder of Holistic Horseworks, this podcast offers valuable insight and solutions to those “little issues” that are often encountered with equine companions.

With her wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in working with them, April offers a unique perspective on horse health and well-being. Through this podcast, she answers listener questions and shares real-life stories that resonate with horse owners everywhere.

In a world where horses face so many challenges in their daily lives, and the “good ol’ ways” just aren’t cutting it anymore, this podcast brings fresh content to listeners, providing them with innovative approaches and techniques to address the challenges of today’s modern horses.

This podcast explores a variety of topics, including horse bodywork, natural remedies, emotional wellness, and the importance of understanding the horse as a whole, sentient being. April Love’s dedication to promoting not only horse health but also a harmonious bond between horse and rider shines through as she offers practical advice and insightful guidance. Her authentic and compassionate approach, combined with her expertise in holistic horse care, provides a platform for horse owners to explore new horizons and find effective solutions to enhance their horse’s overall well-being.

Whether you’re dealing with mysterious lameness, behavioral and training issues, issues, saddle fit, hoof balance, or high vet bills, the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast is an invaluable resource for horse owners everywhere.

Tune in to embark on a journey of discovery, learning, and empowerment as you navigate the world of holistic horse care. Let April Love’s wisdom and stories guide you toward a deeper understanding of your horse’s unique health needs and a more fulfilling partnership with your equine companion.

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Horse 101: Everything You Wish You Had Known Before You Got Your First Horse

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Horse 101: Everything You Wish You Had Known Before You Got Your First Horse

Young Horses With Cow-Hocked Posture

Young Horses With Cow-Hocked Posture

A cow-hocked horse refers to a conformational issue where the horse’s hocks are positioned closer together than normal when viewed from the rear. We’ll explore why this happens and discuss ways to address and prevent such issues for a healthier, sound, and rideable horse.

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Black Horses That Fade Out in Summer

Black Horses That Fade Out in Summer

Does your black horse fade to brown in the summer? In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April discusses how the color change is likely due to a copper deficiency in the horse’s diet. She suggests feeding the horse Dynamite Liquid Trace Minerals once a week to provide the necessary copper and prevent the fading of its black coat.

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