Natural Remedies for Laminitis in Horses

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Horse’s hooves have to support the entire body. Hoof care must be the foundation for complete health care. In this episode, April discusses various hoof issues and effective solutions for maintaining healthy hooves. Whether you’re dealing with laminitis, foundered horses, or general hoof health, these insights can make a significant difference.

Bodily Detox and Nutrition, the Cornerstone of Hoof Health

The journey to healthy hooves begins with a thorough detox. Horses accumulate toxins from various sources like vaccinations and chemical wormers. A targeted detox regimen may help to alleviate this burden on their systems. By supporting the liver and kidneys, we can effectively remove heavy metals and poisons, laying the foundation for robust hoof health. It is also important to consider selecting a high-quality nutrition plan that is low in sugars and proteins, ensuring ease of digestion, especially for senior horses with limited chewing capacity. No matter what you feed your horse, they may not be able to assimilate it’s benefits without a good detox first. 

Recommended Detox Regimen: Give 15 drops of Natural Cellular Defence (NCD) Liquid Zeolite 4 times a day on a non-sugary treat such as an apple or carrot.

Amazing Easy Hoof Soak Detox

When it comes to laminitis, foundered horses, and general hoof health, discover the transformative power of hoof soaks! By combining warm water with Epsom salt, and Dynamite Liquid Trace Minerals, this concoction not only aids in detoxification but also addresses issues such as bruising, inflammation, and bacterial/fungal infections. The frequency of hoof soaks may vary based on the specific needs of the horse and the severity of the hoof issues.

Recommended Regimen: Mix 32oz of warm water with 1 cup of Epsom salt, and 2 full droppers of Dynamite Liquid Trace Minerals in a shaker bottle. Put a UC Davis soaker boot on the horse and fill the boot with the solution. Let rest for 1 hour. Repeat 3 days in a row at least two times a year.

Hand, Hoof, and Ting Miracle Spray

Holistic Horseworks Miracle Spray Recipe is a carefully formulated solution that goes beyond conventional hoof treatments, offering a two-pronged approach to hoof health. It not only addresses the physical conditions in the hoof such as infection and inflammation that leads to laminitis, foundering, and poor hoof health, but it also taps into the network of energy meridians. Each of the horse’s hooves is intricately connected to twelve key Ting points and associated meridians, impacting vital aspects such as heart, lung, digestion, and toxin elimination. By applying the Miracle Spray, you are nurturing not only the physical integrity of the hoof but also harmonizing the underlying energy systems. This holistic approach acknowledges the profound interplay between the physical and energetic dimensions, ensuring that the horse’s overall well-being is tended to.

Horse 102: Holistic Alternatives

What do you do when your horse is sick? Or injured? What’s the first step? What’s the second thing to do? Do you know? Well, here it all is in easy-to-follow suggestions that are very practical and effective as well as affordable! Suggestions in this book are much better ways to treat yourself and your horses at home with simple ingredients that speed up healing and may even help you save big money on vet bills.

DISCLAIMER: This is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your pet, and always consult them in the case of an emergency.

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