Appendix Links

Horse 101
1: Holistic Horseworks Website
2: Holistic Horseworks Youtube Channel
3: Holistic Horseworks Talks

2.6 Holistic Horseworks Talks

Hosted by founder April Love, the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast offers valuable insight and solutions to those “little issues” that are often encountered with equine companions. With her wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in working with them, April offers a unique perspective on horse health and well-being. Through this podcast, she answers listener questions and shares real-life stories that resonate with horse owners everywhere.

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4: Hands-On Horse Bodywork Clinics

Join us for a hands-on learning experience! Holistic Horseworks teaches equine bodywork clinics worldwide, including the United States, Canada, Europe the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, and Costa Rica. No previous experience is necessary. Whether you are a bodywork beginner or professional, you will come out of this class with a new “perception of horse issues” and know how to find and fix many of the issues discussed in this book.

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5 : Level 1 Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Home Study

Level 1: Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Home Study

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is all “soft work” but it is very, very effective in correcting gait abnormalities, saddle fitting issues, and mysterious lameness. (What I mean by “soft work” is that you don’t need a lot of strength for these techniques, anyone can do this!) These soft, gentle moves manually release “stuck” areas to keep the skeleton in proper form and function so that the horse can load the body, joints, and hooves correctly.

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6: Level 2 Cranio Sacral Unwinding and Advanced Applied Kinesiology

Level 2 Cranio Sacral Unwinding and Advanced Applied Kinesiology

Now that the horse’s body has been unwound and rebalanced from the Level 1 work, the next step is to bring it back to proper form, function, and vitality. Level 2 goes deeper into the horse’s body to release cranial bones, inner core muscles, and Fascia so that the body can function more smoothly. Use advanced Applied Kinesiology to ask where there is pain in the body and what physical or energetic blockages need to be released so the horse can heal. We will also look at energy meridians, how they affect your horse, and what you can do about it.

Learn more: sacral-unwinding-and-advanced-applied-kinesiology-home-study-course- watch-instantly-2/

7: Level 3 Equine Cranial Decompression

Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression

In Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression we work on manually releasing the cranial bones to relieve horses from past head traumas, most often from a pulled-back when tied incident. Compression of the cranial bones leads to horses that spook or are hard to bridle, recurrent uveitis, headshaking, TMJ, heaviness or resistance on one rein, and even the ability to gain weight, assimilate nutrition, or digest properly. Since it requires precise techniques with a delicate touch, Level 3 is only taught in person and is not available as a home study course.

8: Dynamite Products

Dynamite Products

Dynamite’s vision is to improve the lives of all creatures by empowering people with the truth and knowledge about health. Backed by over 80 years of experience in holistic nutritional science, we formulate, manufacture, and market nutraceuticals for all species. Dynamite offers a completely different approach to health that, if applied, will improve the lives of you and your animals.

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What I See When I See a Horse
1: Eqine Diagrams

1.1 BasicEquineAnatomy

1.2 EquineMuscularAnatomy

1.3Equine Skeletal Anatomy

1.4 Equine Psoas Muscle

1.5 Equine Intercostal Muscle

1.6 Equine Trapezius Muscle

1.7 Equine Rhomboid Muscle

1.8 Equine Illium Bone

2: Continued Learning

2.1 Hands-on Horse Bodywork Clinics

Join us for a hands-on learning experience! Holistic Horseworks teaches equine bodywork clinics all over the world including the United States, Canada, Europe including the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Costa Rica. No previous experience is necessary. Whether you are a horse bodywork beginner or professional you will come out of this class with a new “perception of horse issues” and know how to find and fix many of the issues discussed in this book.

Learn more:

2.2 Level 1: Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Home Study

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is all “soft work” but it is very, very effective in correcting gait abnormalities, saddle fitting issues, and mysterious lameness. (What I mean by “soft work” is that you don’t need a lot of strength for these techniques, anyone can do this!) These soft, gentle moves manually release “stuck” areas to keep the skeleton in proper form and function so that the horse can load the body, joints, and hooves correctly.

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2.3 Level 2: Cranio Sacral Unwinding and Advanced Applied Kinesiology

Now that the horse’s body has been unwound and rebalanced from the Level 1 work, the next step is to bring it back to proper form, function, and vitality! Level 2 goes deeper into the horse’s body to release cranial bones as well as inner core muscles and fascia so that the body can function more smoothly. Use advanced applied kinesiology to ask where there is pain in the body and what physical or energetic blockages need to be released so the horse can heal. We will also look at energy meridians, how they affect your horse, and what you can do about it.

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2.4 Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression

In Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression we work on manually releasing the cranial bones to relieve horses from past head traumas, most often from a pulled-back when tied incident. Compression of the cranial bones leads to horses that spook or are hard to bridle, recurrent uveitis, headshaking, TMJ, heaviness or resistance on one rein, and even the inability to gain weight, assimilate nutrition, or digest properly. Since it requires very specific techniques with a delicate touch, Level 3 is only taught in person and is not available as a home study course.

See the clinic schedule:


2.5 Bodywork for Foals and Yearlings

Completion of Level 1 Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding. This video will then build upon how to apply those techniques when working with new foals and young horses.

Learn more:

2.6 Holistic Horseworks Talks

Hosted by founder April Love, the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast offers valuable insight and solutions to those “little issues” that are often encountered with equine companions. With her wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in working with them, April offers a unique perspective on horse health and well-being. Through this podcast, she answers listener questions and shares real-life stories that resonate with horse owners everywhere.

Learn more:

2: Continued Learning

2.1 Hands-on Horse Bodywork Clinics

Join us for a hands-on learning experience! Holistic Horseworks teaches equine bodywork clinics all over the world including the United States, Canada, Europe including the UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Costa Rica. No previous experience is necessary. Whether you are a horse bodywork beginner or professional you will come out of this class with a new “perception of horse issues” and know how to find and fix many of the issues discussed in this book.

Learn more:

2.2 Level 1: Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Home Study

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is all “soft work” but it is very, very effective in correcting gait abnormalities, saddle fitting issues, and mysterious lameness. (What I mean by “soft work” is that you don’t need a lot of strength for these techniques, anyone can do this!) These soft, gentle moves manually release “stuck” areas to keep the skeleton in proper form and function so that the horse can load the body, joints, and hooves correctly.

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2.3 Level 2: Cranio Sacral Unwinding and Advanced Applied Kinesiology

Now that the horse’s body has been unwound and rebalanced from the Level 1 work, the next step is to bring it back to proper form, function, and vitality! Level 2 goes deeper into the horse’s body to release cranial bones as well as inner core muscles and fascia so that the body can function more smoothly. Use advanced applied kinesiology to ask where there is pain in the body and what physical or energetic blockages need to be released so the horse can heal. We will also look at energy meridians, how they affect your horse, and what you can do about it.

Learn more:

2.4 Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression

In Level 3: Equine Cranial Decompression we work on manually releasing the cranial bones to relieve horses from past head traumas, most often from a pulled-back when tied incident. Compression of the cranial bones leads to horses that spook or are hard to bridle, recurrent uveitis, headshaking, TMJ, heaviness or resistance on one rein, and even the inability to gain weight, assimilate nutrition, or digest properly. Since it requires very specific techniques with a delicate touch, Level 3 is only taught in person and is not available as a home study course.

See the clinic schedule:


2.5 Bodywork for Foals and Yearlings

Completion of Level 1 Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding. This video will then build upon how to apply those techniques when working with new foals and young horses.

Learn more:

2.6 Holistic Horseworks Talks

Hosted by founder April Love, the Holistic Horseworks Talks podcast offers valuable insight and solutions to those “little issues” that are often encountered with equine companions. With her wealth of knowledge and decades of experience in working with them, April offers a unique perspective on horse health and well-being. Through this podcast, she answers listener questions and shares real-life stories that resonate with horse owners everywhere.

Learn more:

3: Helpful Videos

3.1 Learning How to Evaluate Your Own Horse

3.2: Evaluating Hooves and Body

 3.3 What I See When I See a Horse Part 1

 3.4 What I See When I See a Horse Part 2

 3.5 First Rib Alignment Check

 3.6 Yoga for Your Horse

3.7 Kinesiology and Yes/No Muscle Testing

 3.8 Foal Videos

4: Hoof Care

4.1 Hoof Soak Recipe




  • In a shaker bottle, mix 32oz of warm water with 1 cup of Epsom salt, and 2 full droppers of Dynamite liquid trace minerals and shake.
  • Put a UC Davis soaker boot on the horse and fill the boot with the solution. 
  • Let rest for 1 hour. 
  • Repeat 3 days in a row at least two times a year. 


4.2 Hand, Hoof, and Ting Miracle Spray

I spray deep into the cracks of my horse’s frog which represents deep infection. Then apply it to the white line area that also represents infection and hoof wall separation. This can be sprayed under horses to soak in and penetrate. Then I apply to my hands and rub three-hundred-and-sixty degrees around the hoof hairline as this helps to balance the horse’s acupressure medians to stimulate healing and balance. Four weeks of doing this gave my horses amazing balanced hooves that impressed my barefoot trimmer and I no longer needed to put a boot on to ride.

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5: Passive Detox

5.1 Detox Protocol

Horses accumulate toxins from various sources like vaccinations and chemical wormers. A targeted detox regimen may help to alleviate this burden on their systems. By passively detoxing the body and supporting the liver and kidneys, we can effectively remove heavy metals and toxins not helping your horse and laying the foundation for robust health. No matter what you feed your horse right now, they are not  able to fully assimilate its benefits without a good detox first.



  • I give 15 drops of Natural Cellular Defence (NCD) Liquid Zeolite 4 times a day on a non-sugary treat such as an apple or carrot.
6: Dynamite Products

6.1 Dynamite Store

Dynamite’s vision is to improve the lives of all creatures by empowering people with the truth and knowledge about health. Backed by over 80 years of experience in holistic nutritional science, we formulate, manufacture and market nutraceuticals for all species. Dynamite offers a completely different approach to health that, if applied, will improve the lives of you and your animals.

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6.2 Dynamite Balm

A natural, all-purpose balm for use on bruises, strains, burns, and wounds after they scab up. It is also an excellent hoof dressing, calcium deposit softener, and scar tissue softener. Now also available in an easy-to-use applicator stick.

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6.3 Dynamite Release Spray

An all-natural, topical product that combines flower essences and other natural ingredients to “release” areas of the body experiencing inflammation, swelling, pain, etc.

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6.4 Dynamite Liquid Trace Minerals: 

This unique healing agent contains the full spectrum of trace minerals in a highly concentrated form. Use it topically to help stop bleeding and close up wounds faster. I have fed it to horses and also taken it internally myself for numerous other wellness purposes

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7: Recommended Reading

7.1 Horse 101: Everything You Wish You Had Known Before You Got Your First Horse

The Horse 101 eBook will provide you with humor, insight, and many “A-ha!” moments as you discover easy, achievable solutions to horse care. We’ll talk about horse breeds, feed, saddles, digestion, vision, training, bodywork, and so much more. Plus, it’s free!

Learn more:

7.2 Horse 102: Holistic Alternatives

What do you do when your horse is sick? Or injured? What’s the first step? What’s the second thing to do? Do you know? Well here it all is in easy to follow suggestions that are very practical and effective as well as affordable!

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7.3 The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson

Renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions”—emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction, and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love.

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7.4 Conscious Language by Robert Tennyson Stevens

How much power do our words really carry? Is it possible that our words—the air that we invite into the deepest recesses of our body and then carefully expel through the sacred organ of our vocal cords—have a power that is so great that it was intentionally confused over 5,000 thousand years ago? What would it mean to re-discover the secret of the language that heals our deepest hurts, breathes life into our greatest joys, and literally creates Reality itself? The result of over thirty years of research and the experiences of many thousands of people, Conscious Language – The Logos of NOW is the premier guide to conscious language in the 21st Century. 

Learn more:

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