Distance Reading for People | An Intuitive Wellness Scan for Your Health



Not feeling as good as you’d like? Not sleeping well and waking refreshed? Craving food like sugar, carbs, and things you know are not good for you? Uncover the root cause behind your wellness struggles. Get an intuitive health assessment, analyzing areas of the body that require healing, nutritional deficiencies, emotional blocks, and more.

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Distance Reading for People | An Intuitive Wellness Scan for Your Health
Uncover the root causes behind your physical, emotional, and mental struggles and take steps toward restoring balance.

  • Overloaded with toxins and heavy metals?
  • Feeling bloated and lethargic, maybe yeast, candida, or parasites are affecting you?
  • Struggling with mysterious aches and pains that just won’t go away?
  • Not sleeping well? Constantly feeling fatigued or forgetful?
  • Battling digestive issues, allergies, or skin conditions?
  • Dealing with stress or anxiety that seems overwhelming?
  • Wondering why you just don’t feel quite like yourself anymore?

Find answers to these questions and more with an intuitive distance reading.

What’s Included in a Distance Reading?
April will review the information and photos you provide, connecting intuitively to scan for a variety of health concerns, including:

  • Physical: Identifying areas of the body that are lacking in vitality and need to be addressed.
  • Nutritional: Pinpointing nutritional deficiencies or toxicities affecting your health and energy levels.
  • Emotional and Mental: Uncovering emotional blockages that may be impacting your mental and physical well-being.
  • Environmental: Assessing how your surroundings might be influencing your health and suggesting adjustments.
  • Energy Imbalances: Identifying chakra and meridian imbalances in the body and recommending ways to restore balance.

Long Distance Frequency Therapy
April can also send targeted frequency therapy to support healing and help support and overcome these challenges. Frequency therapy operates on the principle that every part of the body, including organs, cells, and systems, vibrates at specific frequencies. When these frequencies are out of balance due to illness, injury, or stress, the body can experience discomfort or disease. Using quantum sensor technology, April can deliver frequencies that aim to restore balance by promoting mind, body, and spirit healing. To add this to your reading, select "Distance Reading + 4-Hour Frequency Therapy Session" at checkout.

How Does It Work?
You’ll provide your name, age, and any past health issues, as well as a clear, recent photo. Provide a current selfie of yourself standing up, fully clothed, and without glasses on. After submitting this information, April will complete the reading in 4-5 days. You’ll receive feedback outlining practical recommendations for improving your well-being. The feedback will include tips, tools, products, videos, and other resources to help you begin healing at home. Once you’ve implemented the suggestions, you can send an updated photo to April, and she will check in to see if your health concerns have been resolved.

Additional information

Distance Reading Options

Distance Reading Only, Distance Reading + 4-Hour Frequency Therapy Session