Become a CERTIFIED Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Practitioner

* Some things to note*

  • This certification path is for students who have completed our home study program. For Hands-on clinic students, click here.
  • To qualify for this program, you must have completed the Level 1 home study which requires submitting 5 case studies.
  • Find the Level 1 EMU home study program here.

Join the global movement to help heal horses— naturally!


Love working on and helping horses?

Home, work, family and pet responsibilities not letting you get away to further your passion of helping horses?

We have the perfect course for you in our home study program with Certification now available!

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is a horse bodywork method like no other. It is our premier and most popular offering at Holistic Horseworks, and for good reason.

The tools, techniques, and perspectives used in this practice are not only totally unique but extremely effective in solving a wide variety of equine issues from mysterious lameness to poor behavior, problematic saddle fit, kissing spine, uveitis— the list goes on.

Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding will (and in many ways already has) revolutionize the horse care industry.

Get the skills and credentials you need to become a certified practitioner of this unique method. Become part of the Holistic Horseworks team!

We Made it Official!

Did you know that most courses that offer a certificate are not actually “Certifying” you?

For someone to be able to officially certify you they have to be the originator of the methodology. Here at Holistic Horseworks, we have gone through the rigorous procedure to put all of our videos and workbooks up to rigorous scrutiny in order to receive the IICT approval to brand a new modality called Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding!


We can now officially offer all past students that have taken our program a chance to be recognized and certified in EMU with individual IICT approval of their own.

What Our Program Teaches You

Level-Up Your Practice

Whether you already are— or are looking to become— a horse care practitioner, learning and getting certified in this methodology will add a whole new level of credibility to your practice.

Most other equine bodywork courses can only offer you a certificate of completion, but Holistic Horseworks can offer you an official certification. The only way a certification can be issued is by the originator of a modality or program. April Love, founder of Holistic Horseworks, lends her credentials and expertise to make this possible!

Imagine how great it will feel to tell your friends, family, professional colleagues, and potential clients that you are professionally qualified to offer high-quality, professional care to horses.

And then you get to hand them a business card with professional seals and accreditation on it! Plus, by the end of the program, you’ll be insured to boot, keeping you, your clients, and their horses safe. (That’s where the IICT part comes in. We want all of our practitioners to be insured!)

The Path to Certification

    1. Take the Level 1 Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Home Study
    2. Finish your certificate of completion by submitting 5 case studies
    3. Enroll in the certification program
    4. Complete 3 Zoom trainings with April Love (each 90 minutes max)
    5. Submit on final video of you aptly demonstrating an EMU session by yourself.
    6. Get instructor approval, and receive your certification to submit to the IICT

Receive your official certification!

    1. Become a member of IICT and submit your certification to them
    2. Get your IICT Credentials

⭐ As a BONUS, your enrollment in this certification program also includes ⭐

~ Exclusive, updated level 1 training videos!
~ Updated level 1 workbook!
~ Free Bodywork for Foals and Yearlings Video!


After you have taken the Level 1 home study course through to completion, then you can enroll in the certification program for… 


Total price to be certified with previously purchased Level 1 Home Study Course ($400) and Level 1 Certification ($500) is $900

Enrollment Application

So, without any further ado, fill out the form below to enroll in the Level 1 Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding Certification Program!

We’ll get back to you with approval and a final invoice as soon as possible.

*** This path is only for students who have completed our Level 1 Home Study. ***
(If you have attended a hands-on clinic, please click here.)

Level 1 Certification Application (Home Study Students)

Did you already earn your Level 1 Home Study certificate of completion by submitting 5 home studies?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Want to join our team as a certified instructor? We would love to talk to you!