Emotional Healing for Horses

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In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April Love delves into equine care, focusing not only on the physical aspects but also on the emotional well-being of horses. She discusses the importance of addressing the emotional component, as it directly affects the horse’s behavior, performance, and overall health. Additionally, she goes over the importance of emotional healing for horse owners and how their emotions can impact the health of the horse. And vice versa.

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When it comes to the care of our equine companions, there’s far more beneath the surface than meets the eye. Beyond their physical needs, horses possess a rich emotional world that significantly impacts their overall well-being. As horse owners, trainers, and caretakers, it’s important to recognize and address the emotional aspects of our horses’ health to ensure they lead content, healthy, and balanced lives.

Traditionally, the focus of equine care has been largely centered on physical health – ensuring proper nutrition, exercise, and medical attention. However, a growing understanding of the link between emotions and physical well-being is reshaping how we approach horse care.

By addressing emotional imbalances alongside physical health, horse owners and caretakers can offer a comprehensive approach to improving wellbeing. This approach may involve various techniques to help horses release trapped emotions and find emotional equilibrium, including more quality time, body work, energy work, aromatherapy, acupressure, and more. These methods aim to restore emotional balance and create an environment of relaxation, trust, and healing for the horse.

The Role of Trapped Emotions


Just like humans, horses experience a range of emotions, from joy and contentment to fear and anxiety. These emotions aren’t just abstract concepts; they can manifest in physical tension, behavior changes, and even health issues. This connection between emotions and health is particularly evident in horses. For instance, stress or anxiety can lead to the release of adrenaline, affecting heart rate, digestion, and overall comfort.

Emotions that aren’t processed or released can become trapped within a horse’s body. These trapped emotions may stem from past traumas, negative experiences, or simply the challenges of everyday life. Over time, these emotions can contribute to physical discomfort, behavioral problems, and a decreased quality of life.

For example, a horse that has experienced a traumatic event might develop behavioral issues such as restlessness, aggression, or resistance during training. These behaviors can be traced back to the horse’s emotional state and their attempts to cope with unprocessed emotions.

One book I always recommend to people who take our programs is “The Emotion Code” by Dr. Bradley Nelson. 

Recommended Book: The Emotion Code
Get it on Amazon>>

Healing for Horse and Owner


Horses are incredibly sensitive beings, attuned to the emotions and energies of those around them. As empathetic creatures, horses can mirror and absorb the emotions of their owners, often taking on their caregivers’ stress, anxiety, or even unresolved emotional baggage. Similarly, horse owners, too, can inadvertently pick up on their horse’s emotions, internalizing their equine companion’s feelings. This dynamic exchange can create a deep connection but also potentially lead to emotional imbalances for both.

Recognizing this interplay is an important part of emotional healing for horses. By addressing our own emotional wounds, we create a positive ripple effect. Our healing journey not only benefits us but also translates into a more balanced partnership with our equine friends. As we release our own emotional blockages, we provide our horses with a safe space to heal and thrive, fostering an environment of mutual well-being and emotional resonance.

And I know you’ve heard it before, but you can’t fill from an empty cup. So if your own energetic reserves are running on empty, you can’t be expected to effectively help your horse. Part of a truly holistic approach to horse care involves caring for yourself so you can care for them! 

Releasing Stuck and Stagnant Energy


Concepts from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) add a unique perspective and a new depth of practice when it comes to equine care. In TCM, both horse and human bodies have Meridians, or energetic pathways that flow through the body, serving as channels to circulate life force and connecting the various organ systems that interplay with each other and affect total well-being.

By working with these subtle energy channels, practitioners can facilitate the free flow of energy, promoting physical and emotional well-being. Techniques such as acupressure, acupuncture, and Reiki focus on stimulating or clearing meridian points to harmonize the body’s energy and promote balance. As sensitive and sentient beings, respond remarkably to these therapies!

The Journey of Sensitive Development


Now, it’s time to address skepticism and hesitations; Does this really work? Our answer is just to try it! We’ve seen an emotionally centered approach to healing work wonders for thousands of horses and horse owners who try the Holistic Horseworks program. Time and time again.

So many people are closed off to their own emotions, that it can be difficult to not only address but also accept emotional healing as a helpful modality for horses. But we all have to start somewhere, and it’s all part of the journey.

You might also be wondering if you’re cut out for this type of work. I recall a time when I first started doing this kind of work with horses, and was told that I flat out wasn’t sensitive enough! Instead of giving up, I persevered and this dedication led to the foundation of an incredible business and program helping others to learn how to do the same.

I encourage you to embrace this journey and gradually open up to your own intuitive and energetic capabilities that are just waiting to be tapped! The worst thing you can do is not even try. 

Your journey to holistic horse care starts here


Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is our Level 1 program that will get you off to a great start with horse care! Along with many physically supportive techniques, this course goes over balancing chakras and aligning acupressure meridians, along with techniques in “listening” so that you can finally hear what it is your horse has been trying to tell you!

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