Avian Flu and Other Viruses May Be Affecting Your Horse’s Vitality

by | Sep 23, 2024

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There has been a lot of news about Avian Flu infecting cattle and humans. Is it possible horses could contract this and other diseases? What can horse owners do to protect their horses? In this episode of Holistic Horseworks Talks, April discusses ways to keep horses as healthy as possible and empower people to help their horses rather than always relying on paid services.

Episode Transcription
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00:00:30 Lillian

Hi, this is Lillian. I’m here with April Love. I am seeing the news about avian flu and how it’s affecting cattle now and even people. Do you think this is something that could eventually affect horses? And what can we do to prevent it?

00:00:47 April

Absolutely. So, remember, you know.

00:00:50 April

Genes mutate, you know, bugs mutate. So, we had the COVID thing, and you know, it just it transfers to species in the middle of.

00:01:01 April

You know, people that were sick were still petting the horse’s nose and kissing them on the nose. So in the long distance readings I was doing virus and the lungs is coming up on all the horses. And what I’m seeing now that really alarmed me in the past two years as they’re talking about the avian flu virus.

00:01:22 April

In the distance readings I do you get an 8-page report and you e-mail in left and right side. Pictures of your horse and I’m like a medical intuitive for people, horses and dogs. I can scan the body. Say you need to release the Atlas on the left or first rib on the right hips. But I also get into bacterial issues. And where are they in the body?

00:01:42 April

Are they in the head? We’ve caught a lot of bacterial sinus infections.

00:01:48 April

Broken teeth, cavities in teeth. Abscessed teeth just by bacterial in the head, and when they follow my protocol, all the head shaking goes away, because that’s part of what’s starting these head shaking horses; bacterial sinus infections and infected teeth.

00:02:04 April

And I ask about anything in intestines and also what is affecting the blood so.

00:02:10 April

In the past two years, viral is coming up in the lungs of all the horses.

00:02:16 April

In the intestines. And if it’s in the intestines, it means that they’re taking it in daily and their system can’t work on it. So if it’s I ask, is it from the feed and I get a no, I ask, is it from the water they’re drinking and I get a yes.

00:02:32 April

And if it’s in the intestines, then I also ask if it’s affecting the blood systems, which means the muscles gets into the spinal column, which gets into the brain.

00:02:44 April

And when I find viral affecting muscles and brain, people will tell me they have autoimmune issues or gait abnormalities because the brain can’t send the right, you know, signals to the hind.

00:02:58 April

But the interesting thing is the viral and intestines and blood is coming back to the water they’re drinking from, and I keep having to put in the reading for the client.

00:03:11 April

You know, do birds poop and drink from the water? And they’re like, oh, yeah, all the time.

00:03:17 April

All of my clients are now buying the in-line filter that you can put on a hose for a motor home, and depending on a horse or how many horses or how many gallons go through it to filter it.

00:03:32 April

You know, replace it once a month or once every three months, and that can help what’s coming into the water through. But we have to find a way to not let the birds, that are carrying all this, drink in the water and poop in the water. People are noticing their horses. Health is improving. If they’re finding a way to.

00:03:52 April

Keep the birds off the water through. Is that going to be something that flutters over it? Is it going to be changing where the water trough is? You know, what are you going to have to change?

00:04:05 April

So that you can keep that horses water pure.

00:04:09 April

In my book Horse, 102 Holistic Alternatives for Healing.

00:04:15 April

There are some things you can do for viral in the water. I think there’s a stone or something on Amazon that you can put in the water for viral. I do know

00:04:28 April

Horses that are already testing for viral and their blood, and that can also be coming up like EPM from the opossum poop, you know and hays and stuff if they have bacterial and viral in blood, usually the owner is telling me that they tested positive for Lyme.

00:04:47 April

So for these things we do my doTerra hot oil spine treatments, which is muscle testing, which oils the horse needs and they usually all have antiviral, antibacterial. We do this for kissing spine. We do this for EPM, for Lyme.

00:05:05 April

Usually it’s the doTerra oils, the fractionated coconut oil of their’s is very pure, stays liquid. I don’t like the raindrop therapy because when you just pour the oils on the horse’s spine and it blisters, they say oh look, the horse is detoxing. No, you blistered my horses back and now I can’t.

00:05:23 April

Ride them.

00:05:24 April

So if you mix it with the carrier oil.

00:05:27 April

It’s usually about 10 or 15 drops each of frankincense, peppermint.

00:05:33 April

On Guard kills MRSA and viruses. That’s what we use during COVID. Oregano is a huge antiviral.

00:05:42 April

Let’s see, peppermint, oregano, On Guard, frankincense and usually lavender. Cause lavender cools the central nervous system and about 10 drops of each.

00:05:53 April

Put it down the horse’s spine. I put a hot, wet towel for 10 minutes and then we can put a blanket on top of that, and then we’ll take the wet towel off until the horse

00:06:02 April

Dries because you don’t want cold air hitting the back. That’s one of the treatments that we do.

00:06:08 April

About every three or four days, you do have to be careful, because when you do essential oils, you’re not supposed to go out in the sun.

00:06:14 April

So if you do this either a fly sheet or do it after like four or five in the afternoon, the horses love it. The antsy horses that are always body slamming you, the horses that don’t like to be touched or groomed.

00:06:29 April

3 or 4 hot oil spine sessions and they just change. It just helps the whole central nervous system.

00:06:36 April

Another natural antiviral is colloidal silver. It’s kind of a pain. It has to be with distilled water. You’d have to syringe it to.

00:06:44 April

The horse.

00:06:45 April

Or if they’re in a stall, just hang a bucket of distilled water and measuring colloidal silver into that until they drink that down.

00:06:56 April

The other thing we use is on my website there’s a recipe called Miracle Spray. It was originally designed as a hoof spray. We put it on the frog cracks and the white line area. It toughens the sole.

00:07:09 April

And then you put it on your hands and rub it into the coronary band on all four feet. And that’s a miniature acupressure treatment in a bottle for horses. And it boosts their whole immune system, toughens the feet, gives you a really nice soul, but it’s all edible ingredients. And when I’ve had clients in my classes that said I have a bladder infection and say, “I’m really uncomfortable.”

00:07:32 April

And we looked up in the doTerra essential apps for women. What oils would help bladder infection? It was everything that was in this Miracle Spray recipe. So they would take a concentrated dose of that and a little bit of water. And within 12 to 24 hours had no more symptoms of bladder infections. So horses that have dull.

00:07:52 April

Eyes just don’t look like they’re feeling good. They have a real dry, brittle coat. You can spray it right in their mouth. It tastes like cinnamon and peppermint. It’s all edible ingredients. It boosts the immune system.

00:08:06 April

So that’s another thing that we use when you have those stress factors of birds, which you probably don’t have in the winter.

00:08:13 April

You know, and other things coming to drink from the water, a lot of horses are on NID or ditch water and that is so bad for them because you have all the feces of all the animals. You know, anytime it rains, cow pasture, horse pasture and goat pastures.

00:08:30 April

Deer. You know, birds, everything coming down on top of all the farmers spraying with Roundup or whatever herbicides and pesticides all coming down to that water. So a lot of my clients, horses really suffer from the water in the summer when they switch them over to the ditch water or NID water.

00:08:54 April

The other thing I do is recommend detoxing the horse and then natural cellular defense, which is on Amazon or the ACZ, (Apple, Charlie, Zebra), Nano on Amazon. Both of those are antiviral as well, so I teach you how to go with your intuition, how to use your yes/no muscle testing.

00:09:17 April

Is there anything viral in my horse’s body? Which product can I give them today to support their system to better fight viruses?

00:09:24 April

So you can’t keep the avian flu virus away from the horses if they’re going to be drinking, bathing or pooping in the water, but you have to keep asking what is the horses system need to not get COVID from people you know and not get anything else when people are touching their nose and kissing them.

00:09:45 April

Or other viruses from other horses in the barn. So I’m into clearing the liver and kidneys, boosting the immune system, and then asking what else does the body need right now?

00:09:58 April

Is it a healing microcurrent session? Do I need to feed the horse something internal? Do I need to do a hot oil, you know, spine session? Do I need to do all of those?

00:10:09 April

I’m just really boosting people’s intuitiveness because they’ll tell me I just knew something was off with my horse. But the farrier? The trainer, they said oh he’s OK, just keep working him until he got really bad. So I’m really empowering horse owners. Just listen to that gut feeling when you say my horse just isn’t.

00:10:29 April

Himself today, you know what can I do? People are amazed when they call or e-mail me or text me that I answer, you know, within 24 hours.

00:10:39 April

And especially if you’re one of my clients, you can send me a picture and I can say, yeah, your horses vitality is only 44% because he’s working on a virus right now and lungs, intestine and blood.

00:10:51 April

So you know to have a medical intuitive like that.

00:10:56 April

To be able to help you with your horse is just amazing, and that’s my goal, my passion. You can find a lot of that information on my website, holistichorseworks.com, my free ebook www.horseacademy101.com. I have a YouTube channel, Holistic Horseworks.

00:11:17 April

Everything’s that same name, Facebook page, Holistic Horseworks.

00:11:22 April

And my goal is to raise up your vibration your level so that you’re intuitive enough to take care of this expensive sentient being. Here on Maui. You can’t get a good horse for under twenty $30,000, and if they’re shipped in from the mainland, they came on an airplane, then they were on the barge.

00:11:42 April

You know, and horses get seasick and they get slammed around. It’s really hard to have a horse here on Maui.

00:11:49 April

And 80 LB compressed bail off Timothy is like $50, you know, horseshoeing. It’s $300 to $400.00, you know. So it’s really expensive in some places to have a horse. And if you have to add vet bills on top of that, blood work diagnosis, all of a sudden we can’t even.

00:12:09 April

Afford our own groceries and our own, you know, truck or car mechanics, because everything’s going into the horse. So if you really dive down deep into my program, you see, I’m all about empowering you.

00:12:22 April

to know more and when you feel you’ve reached your limit, you just reach back in with me and I empower you a little bit more. So I hope to hear from you soon.

The Threat of Avian Flu to Cattle

Originally confined to birds, avian influenza viruses have begun affecting other species, including cattle. This jump occurs when animals come into contact with contaminated water, feed, or surfaces where infected birds have been. The virus can then enter their respiratory systems, leading to illnesses ranging from mild symptoms to severe respiratory issues, and in some cases, death.

The transmission of avian flu to cattle raises concerns about a potential link to humans, especially those in close contact with these animals. Like how COVID-19 spreads between species, avian flu poses a zoonotic risk, which means it can transfer from animals to humans. And now, with cases appearing in various livestock, it’s important to consider how other species like horses might be vulnerable.

Can horses be affected?

Although avian flu primarily targets birds and more recently cattle, it’s worth considering that horses could also be at risk, particularly if the virus mutates further. As we’ve seen with COVID-19, cross-species transmission is possible under the right conditions.

In horses, respiratory viruses are a significant concern. Many horse owners have reported viral activity, especially in the lungs and intestines, as seen through various holistic equine distance readings. Since horses are often kept in environments where birds may drink or defecate in their water sources, this creates a potential pathway for infection. If avian flu can spread to cattle, it’s not out of the question that horses could be susceptible, especially if they are exposed to contaminated water or surfaces.

Preventative Measures for Horses

Given the potential risk of avian flu and other viruses spreading to horses, it’s important to take preventive steps. Here’s what horse owners can do to protect their animals:

Water Source Protection: Birds often defecate in water sources, which can lead to contamination. Installing in-line hose filters on water troughs and ensuring they are regularly cleaned can prevent horses from drinking contaminated water. Some horse owners are already using in-line filters for hoses to help reduce the risk of viral exposure.

Limit Wildlife Access: If possible, cover water troughs to prevent birds and other wildlife from accessing them. This will minimize the risk of contamination from bird droppings.

Boost Immune Systems: Keeping horses’ immune systems strong is crucial in fighting off potential infections. Supplements that boost immunity, such as colloidal silver or certain essential oils (like frankincense, oregano, and lavender), can be incorporated into regular care routines.

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Hot Oil Treatments: Some holistic practitioners recommend essential oil treatments applied along the horse’s spine to help detoxify the body and improve overall health. A mixture of antiviral and antibacterial oils like peppermint, frankincense, and oregano can provide additional protection against pathogens.

Testing and Monitoring: Regularly monitor horses for signs of illness, especially respiratory issues. A medical intuitive distance reading or veterinarian can help identify potential viral or bacterial infections early on.

Get an Equine Distance Reading

An intuitive wellness scan for your horse that offers insight into their deepest physical, behavioral, and training issues. During a distance reading, April has the ability to scan photos of your horse, noticing even the slightest details in alignment, muscling, posture, and more that indicate deeper issues. She can also energetically and intuitively scan your horse to uncover bacterial, vital, emotional, or mental issues that need to be addressed.

Could Humans Be at Risk?

As with any zoonotic disease, there is potential for avian flu to affect humans who are in close contact with infected animals. If the virus mutates to more easily spread between species, people working with livestock, including horses, could be at risk. Precautions like wearing gloves, washing hands after handling animals, and avoiding contact with potentially infected water sources can reduce this risk.

Moving Forward: Staying Vigilant

The key to managing the threat of avian flu is staying informed and taking proactive measures. While horses are not the primary concern right now, the mutation of viruses and their ability to cross species lines should keep horse owners vigilant. By taking steps to protect their animals’ water sources, boosting immune systems, and staying attuned to any signs of illness, horse owners can help prevent future outbreaks.

Prevention, early detection, and strong immune support are our best tools for protecting horses and ourselves from avian flu and other viral threats.

About the Author

April Love
Founder of Holistic Horseworks & Horse Healers Academy

Owner of Holistic Horseworks LLC, April Love empowers horse lovers to take healing into their own hands in order to keep their horses healthy, happy, and rideable through their 30’s while saving thousands of dollars on vet care. She has created a unique IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) approved methodology that she teaches through in-person, hands-on clinics as well as virtual home study courses. April has also trained and vetted many instructors who share this practice worldwide.

As a gift to you, please enjoy a FREE copy of “Horse 101: Everything You Wish You Knew Before You Bought Your First Horse” www.horseacademy101.com 

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