Level 2: Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology

Bring Your Horse Back to Proper Form, Function, and Vitality!
Now available with subtitles in 🇺🇸 English 🇫🇷 French 🇲🇽 Spanish and 🇳🇱Dutch.

Take your horse care to the next level as we go deeper to:

  • Perform horse anatomy analysis, including evaluating hoof balance, hip alignment, and muscle tightness
  • Learn techniques for unwinding tight muscles in the horse's front end, back, hindquarters, and ribcage
  • Perform cranial sacral to release tension in the head, neck, and spine
  • Address issues like uveitis, spooking, head shyness, autoimmune disorders, and roaring and more
  • Use soft tissue work to improve fascia, tendon, and joint flexibility as well as performance
  • Apply acupressure techniques to stimulate meridian points and balance energy flow
  • Perform hind leg massage to improve stifle and hock function for horses with stringhalt
  • Address the root case of pain in your horse's body for long lasting results
  • Access your own knowledge and intuition when it comes to horse care, so that you always make the best decision for your horse

Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology  Home Study Course

Did you know that 95% of horses have cranial trauma?

And that’s why you need to learn cranial sacral unwinding for your horse!

Equine cranial sacral therapy is a form of bodywork that focuses on the craniosacral system of horses, which includes the structures from the cranium (head) to the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine), essentially covering the entire length of the horse’s spine from head to tail.

The craniosacral system comprises the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It also involves the bones of the skull, face, and mouth, as well as the sacrum and tailbone.

Equine cranial sacral therapy seeks to identify and address imbalances or restrictions within this system, which may arise from physical trauma, stress, or other factors. Practitioners use gentle touch and manipulation techniques to release tension, improve fluid flow, and promote overall balance and well-being in the horse.

By addressing issues within the craniosacral system, equine cranial sacral therapy aims to support the horse’s natural ability to heal and maintain optimal health, performance, and behavior.

Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology  Home Study Course

What You’ll Learn

Now that the horse’s body has been unwound and rebalanced from the Level 1 work, the next step is to bring it back to proper form, function, and vitality! Continue deepening your knowledge of holistic horsecare and bodywork in our Level 2 Clinic, “Equine Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Kinesiology.”

In this online home study program, we will go deeper into the horse’s body to release cranial bones as well as inner core muscles and Fascia. Releasing these areas helps organs, tendons, ligaments, bones, joints, and more relax so that the body can function more smoothly.

Many horses with problems like Uveitis, Kissing Spine, Wobblers Syndrome, and String-Halt have had their lives saved or wholly altered from the techniques you will learn in this course. Return those labeled as “unfixable” to healthy, sound lives full of longevity.

Then what else is next? A lot! We use advanced Applied Kinesiology to ask where there is pain in the body and what physical or energetic blockages need to be released so the horse can heal. We will also look at energy meridians, how they affect your horse, and what you can do about it.

You will find that the area that is painful and lame is not always where it starts! Discover how to trace problems back through to the original, root cause for long-lasting results. 

  • EHow to assess equine health and body alignment so that you always know what is going on with your horse!
  • EFascia, muscle, and tension release to help your horse feel great and perfo perform even better!
  • EConcepts and techniques in equine Cranio Sacral Therapy to help your horse from head to tail!
  • EConcepts and techniques in equine acupressure so you can understand how the whole body is interrelated!
  • EHow to release physical blockages in the body that are cascading into a wide series of problems like mysterious lameness, hoof alignment, and more!
  • EHow to release "stuck" energy so your horse can release emotions that cause training and behavior problems!
  • EHow to support your horse's total wellbeing instead of just isolating and treating the symptoms of a problem!
  • ENatural remedies for common horse health issues so you don't have to rely on expensive horse care!
  • EValuable preventative care protocols to stop problems before they start and save you from expensive trips to the vet!

What You’ll Receive

  • ELifetime access to course content so that you can get this information whenever you need it
  • EWatch instantly course video so that you can start helping your horse right away
  • ESubtitles in multiple languages so that you can learn in English, French, Spanish, and Dutch
  • EDownloadable course workbook to support what you learn in the video and to take to take with you to the barn

… plus a happier, healthier horse!

As soon as you make your purchase, you will have access to all of the course content so that you can start learning immediately! This includes videos that you can watch instantly and access at any time for the life of the program, as well as a downloadable, workbook to help you integrate and practice all of your newly gained knowledge.

After completing the course content, you can advance to becoming a Holistic Horseworks practitioner, or even a Holistic Horseworks instructor! (Additional costs not included in this program. Click here for more details. ) Start a new career in horse care, or expand your skillset in your current profession.

Beyond what you tangibly receive by enrolling in this course, you will also receive a happier and healthier horse, as well as a more willing equine partner that is excited to ride and compete with you every day!

Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology  Home Study Course

Hi, I’m April Love!

And I have a long career with horses. I started as an endurance rider years ago with my horse Tiki— he was such an amazing equine partner. I had my heart set on him from the beginning, but he wasn’t in the best shape, and no one thought he would make it as an endurance racehorse, but boy, were they wrong!

For two years in a row, we placed third in the American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) West Region Heavyweight Division. That’s over 2,000 miles of competition and over 40 consecutive rides without being pulled by a veterinarian for lameness or metabolic issues— which is an incredible record! Tiki and I also continued to win many more events and enjoy years of riding together thanks to everything I learned in horse care.

I did everything I could to help Tiki perform and feel his best, including spending tens of thousands of dollars on horse care and equine training classes. But in all of those classes I took, I always noticed that something was missing… No one looked at the whole horse.

So I took everything I learned, plus everything I saw “missing,” and developed my own special method. Today, I have helped not only Tiki, but hundreds of horses and horse owners all over the world! I am also very proud to have a team of certified Holistic Horseworks practitioners and instructors practicing globally.

IICT Approved

April Love of Holistic Horseworks as well as the Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding method are accredited by IICT, the International Institute for Complementary therapies. 

This adds a whole new level of credibility to this offering which many others don’t have! For someone to be able to officially certify you they have to be the originator of the methodology. Here at Holistic Horseworks, we have gone through the rigorous procedure to put all of our videos and workbooks up to rigorous scrutiny in order to receive IICT approval.

Students who take complete this program will have the additional opportunity to become recognized and certified in EMU with IICT approval of their own. (Not included with program purchase. Click here for more details.)

What People & Horses Are Saying

“Malik, my 8-year-old, came to me with a huge toxic overload (overhead fly spray system in show barn). He was completely shut down from his withers back, with very tight acidic muscles tender to the touch. He also needed cranial sacral work which has contributed to a lot of his symptoms–spooking, head tossing, agitated with hind end/sacrum being touched or worked with. He was very skittish and flighty and needed a lot of patience and love, all of which I was willing to give. After one session there was a huge difference in him.”


“Through the three levels I have learned so much about horses and the tools I was taught have fine-tuned my skills and connection with each one I work with. The changes in their whole body and mind are astounding for me and the owners.

Today I worked on two horses, a dog who was adamant I help her and humans. As a craniosacral therapist, this work with the horses has deepened my awareness and abilities.

Thank you.”


“My 6 year old Friesian mare was diagnosed with injured stifle ligaments and put on pasture rest for 12 months. After a year, she still was not rideable. I did not want to consider doing surgery as the vet advised. I found and contacted April— she did her evaluation, started some stretches and releases. She showed me how to perform the stretched and the body tuning so I could help my horse on a daily basis. Within 2 months, I have been able to ride my mare again, I am so grateful for April’s help and guidance. I am happy and excited to have found a holistic way to care for her that will continue to promote her health and recovery.”


“My horse Avalon had a very bad pull back when tied in the horse trailer. The thrashing caused a horrific trauma over her eye. Using Dynamite Release Spray and my training with April, I knew what to do. Using release and energywork, CranioSacral unwinding, and communicating with April I was able to support this trauma without a huge bill. April has empowered me to know I have a choice!”


Live Help While You Learn

Wish you had more help with horse care? Get a live instructor to help you while you work on your horse in your barn. Just bundle your Level 2 Home Study with a private training package at checkout.

Ever wondered, “Am I doing this right?” “I wish someone was here to help me!” “How did she do that move again?” Wonder no more when you bundle your home study with private training sessions!

This is an incredible offer to receive answers to your most pressing equine care questions and undivided, personal one-on-one time from an expert in the industry. The insight you receive will be absolutely priceless. You will leave each session with so much clarity on what to do and easy action items to keep your horse happy and healthy.

And the best part of this deal is that you get the recording to download afterward so you can watch and rewatch it as many times as you need!

Would you prefer your training in French, Dutch, German, or Swedish? We have instructors that can work with you in those languages, just email me your request! april@holistichorseworks.com

Cranio Sacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology  Home Study Course