Host a Holistic Horseworks Clinic
Free Clinic Admission
Free Bodywork for Your Horses
Meet Other Horse Lovers
If you are a horse owner with a barn, you’re eligible to host a Holistic Horseworks clinic series!
You don’t need to be a fancy barn or even a big one, we’ll just need enough space for a handful of people to come together and share their love for horses.
In exchange, you’ll receive FREE admission to each event you host which adds up to over $2,000 in savings! And you’ll get one free guest auditor pass to any Level 1 clinic you host, which adds another $350 in savings.
Interested? Fill out the application at the bottom of this page.
No matter where you are in the world, we encourage you to apply! We have instructors available globally.
About the Clincis
Level 1 and Level 2 Clinics are 3 days in duration; Level 3 is 2 days.
Our level 1 Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding is now an approved modality by the International Institute of Complementary Therapists (IICT) and we proud to now be able to offer students a continued benefits such as insurance coverage for their businesses as well as IICT approved logos and othercredentials to use in their advertising.
We will make and send you the registration and FB event links to use. We then advertise this to our 24,000+ social media audience and 4,000+ email list and ask that you share it with yours as well. Facebook event on your page is a great idea as well and sending a co-host invite to the instructor makes it even better.
Flyers for clinics and seminars will be provided by us for you to fill in your information and advertise and market for enrollment in your clinic. Can post to Facebook and giving some flyers to your hoof trimmer or Farrier to distribute to his clients with ‘problem horses’ always seems to work well.
The Clinic Host will collect April (or the Instructor) at the airport upon arrival, take her back to the airport for departure, and hosts her at their facility, giving her/Instructor a private bedroom. This keeps down the travel costs so she can keep the cost of the classes affordable for the students. WIFI is needed so April can keep in touch and still be able to work.
This is a hands-on training course and each student will work on 4 different horses. During the first two days of the event, students will work exclusively with horses in group 1 and group 2. If there are not enough horses on site, on day 3 the remaining group 3 and group 4 horses horses can be hauled in, or the class can travel to another local barn to do the final horses.
Students should have a general knowledge of how to handle a horse before joining the clinic and will be required to sign a liability release that the host should have on day 1 of class to hand out. Students may bring their own horses (they need to contact you, the venue host, about requirements), but other students will probably work on them unless they are unsafe to handle or have other special needs requirements.
Clinic Cost
Completed online Registration Form and a $400 deposit are required to hold a student’s space for April Love clinics. For Certified Instructor clinics $250 deposit. Final payment due 30 days prior of the beginning of workshop date.
Each student completing the entire clinic will receive a Certificate of Completion as will the Host upon completion. Auditors are watch only and do not get a certificate.
International prices may vary. Certified Instructor taught workshops prices depend on their traveling costs.
The maximum number of students attending is 8, including the host. The maximum number of auditors is 15.
Level 1:
- Student Cost: $875 USD per student
- Auditor Cost: $350 USD per student
Level 2:
- Student cost: $825 USD
- No auditors
Level 3:
- Student cost: $625 USD
- No auditors
There is no charge to attend for the Clinic Host, and he/she may charge a small booking fee to the students and auditors if necessary to cover the charge of using the barn or venue or rent a porta potty.
Daily Clinic Schedule
Every day starts in the classroom at 9 am sharp for information. Day 1 starts at 8:45 am to sign Liability Release
Day 1:
- 1:00 pm – Group 1, which should be very quiet horses, easy to stand tied for long periods.
- 3:30-4 pm – Group 2 horses should be available. Always 1 horse per student.
- We only do 1/2 of a horse per day.
Day 2:
- 11:00am – Group 1 horses
- We will take a lunch break then work on the same group horses after lunch if they are not finished, so if they can stick nearby is good.
- 3ish – Group 2 horses should be available to finish.
- By end of day 2 both groups 1 and 2 should be done.
Day 3:
- 11:00 am – Group 3 horses work thru take a late lunch
- After lunch we do group 4 horses and both of groups 3 and 4 can be at another local barn we carpool too.
- Then they get their certificate.
What Your Venue Should Offer
- Access to 4 horses per student, appx. 16-24 horses depending on class size.
- A place out of the sun, wind, and rain with ample lighting.
- A place where 4-8 horses at a time can be soft-tied safely with room to maneuver for students. This can be a barn aisle, or a few stalls.
- Break room or classroom where we can go to talk in between hands-on work. All days start in the classroom at 9 am unless otherwise noted.
- Chairs and a table in the classroom, have had classes in a cleaned-out stall before as well.
- Availability of a TV or laptop to watch the DVD on the first day
- If the weather is cold, somewhere students can get warm beverages – coffee or tea
- Extra empty big spray bottles for the product I supply-not all students can get them after getting off the plane to fly in. Also name tags for students
The host should make a list of 4 (or 3 if small place) groups of horses. One horse per student always, and the student will see same horse each group. With small properties I have altered this where we travel to another barn close by for groups 3 and 4 if necessary. So, only groups 1 & 2 would need to be in same location-hauled in or stabled there. We make it work for everyone.
- Group 1 being the quietest to stay tied for a long time.
- Group 2, easy to tie.
- Group 3 can be livelier and saving any problem horses for Group 4 when the students feel more confident.
- Group 4 is the final exam horse.
Horses should not be worked or ridden during the clinic days they are being worked on and for 2 days after, preferably.
- Groups 1 & 2 horses on Day 1 and 2.
- Groups 3 & 4 horses on Day 3.
- We can travel to 2 different barns on day 3 to do this. This keeps the number of horses needed at the host facility down to 2 horses per student.
What You Will be Learning

- How to find and release the core issues that other modalities are missing.
- How to release the 1st rib misalignment creating high/low hoof syndrome as well as most of the other body and saddle fit and training issues.
- How to softly release neck, withers, ribs and pelvis alignment with soft safe effective moves.
- Basic understanding and applied use of acupressure and how the energy meridians affect the whole health
- and wellness of the horse. Level 2 goes more in-depth.
- How the balance of the hooves affects the organs, thus affecting the whole wellness of the horse; as well as the imbalance of the hooves affecting the joints and muscles higher up.
- How to balance the Yin/Yang of the horse.
- How to do Defense Posture Releasing: releasing the muscle pattern developed of Fight or Flight Response in the horse. This needs to be done before any muscular/skeletal releases are ever done. On foals, we might do this last.
- How to muscle test and use applied kinesiology basics. Level 2 Clinic goes more in-depth into kinesiology.
- How to feel for energy blocks in the horse’s system and release them.
- How to palpate for sore or overly tight areas of the equine body to determine where the key issues are located. This includes lameness checkpoints.
- How to find the source of the issue. Typically, you will find most people are treating the area of the horse that hurts. This is the ‘compensation’ point of the body part that was so overloaded it can no longer do its job, which results in mysterious lameness. We teach to find and fix the cause, then the symptom will heal faster. Mysterious tendon, suspensor or hock issues are just a body part overcompensating and doing too much and working too hard because another body part cannot do its job properly.
- Learning Osteopathic type muscular and skeletal releases to unwind the equine body and bring it back to proper form and function. Students will notice the horse gets about 4″ longer 2″ taller and looks to have gained 20 pounds as the fascia softens and relaxes. When we are done the horse’s, skeletal system will be in alignment.
- Learn the difference between “Conformation” and “Posture.”
Prerequisites for the 3 Day, Level 1 Clinic:
To have watched 2 watch instantly videos April provides, when they pay their deposit, listed below and be practicing the moves prior to the clinic. This clinic is to fine-tune your techniques illustrated in the DVDs. April’s plan is to teach you new concepts in the class so please study your homework. April will help you learn the touch and feel of the moves in-depth. No previous experience necessary.
- April’s online workbook and bonus videos: links sent when the student deposit is paid, or auditor spot is paid
- Equine Acupressure book – Tall Grass Publishing is recommended
- Dr. Bradley Nelson’s “Emotion Code” book, which can be downloaded to a Kindle and is offered for free on April’s website under the “Look Here” tab. It also can be found in local library or use don Amazon.
Additional Clinics to Expand Your Knowledge and Skills
Level 2 Clinic: Equine cranial unwinding of all the fascia and Meridian balancing also using Applied Kinesiology
Prerequisite: Level 1 3-day clinic.
We start with level 1 cranial on the bones of the horse. Then go onto level 2 cranial unwinding all the fascia in the body creating front and hind legs that are too close together not allowing the joints to load correctly creating premature arthritic conditions like sidebone, ringbone, arthritic knees and hocks. Also worked on are issues like EPM, Kissing spine and other mislabeled maladies.
Level 3 Clinic: Cranial Decompression
April offers a special 2-day clinic: Cranial Decompression for any cranial-sacral equine workers already doing the work as well as students that have completed both levels 1 & 2. April has developed some unique moves which have been reversing the symptoms of Uveitis, IR, and Cushing’s thus helping lamanitic horses as well.
Half-Day Seminar – Optional: It can be a potluck in the evening.
April teaches a 2-hour seminar for the general public to learn how to hands-on identify issues their horse is having. It is like the 1-hour clinic video that is free on Holistic Horseworks’ YouTube channel.
April talks for about an hour and answers your questions.
- Students go outside as a group to touch, feel, and identify the areas of the horses’ bodies that are too tight and not allowing proper movement.
- The difference between conformation versus posture is discussed; what are we really looking at when we view a horse.
- Identify where the premature arthritic conditions are starting and what can be done to prevent them.
- Identify where training and behavioral issues are starting from. Pain in the body causes a horse to be unable (not stubborn) to do the move we are asking of them.
The entrance fee is about $35 pre-paid and $45 after the registration deadline. Part of the fee goes towards April’s airfare and the rest is for the host organizing the seminar. If this is a big crowd a microphone/PA system will be needed and provided by the host.
If it is a small group of people can do a free 1 hr informational gathering and potluck to educate the horse lovers in your area for the need for them to learn this. Email us for the Flyer to use.
Clinic Host Application