Equine Bodywork on Maui

🏆🏵️ April Love is Maui’s premier horse bodywork specialist with decades of experience in riding, training, and equine care.


Founder of her own renowned methodology, Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding, April is a global horse bodywork educator that brings world-class horse bodywork right to your doorstep on the island of Maui, Hawai’i.

Wondering what is going on with your horse? Want to say goodbye to mysterious lameness, saddle fit, training, and behavior issues as well as expensive shoeing and vet bills?

Imagine having a happy, healthy horse that nickers to greet you in the stable with joy because YOU make them feel that good. A horse that is excited that you’re back for another ride, that is a joy to perform with and is the envy of all the other riders in the arena.

This can be your horse. No matter what state they are in right now, together we can get them back to a sound, rideable state and keep them that way.

All it takes is a new perspective on horse care and a little bit of bodywork. Seriously! It may sound simple, but it works.


Does your horse struggle with lameness? Have you ever been disqualified from a competition for being labeled grade 1 or grade 2 lame? Have you been to the vet over and over again and still can’t figure out what’s causing it?

Saddle Fit

Saddle fit issues costing you $$$$? It might not be the saddle that’s the problem, but your horse! Think about it: if your horse’s body is out of alignment— crooked withers, a misaligned rib, over-muscling on one shoulder, one hip higher than the other— of course a straight treed saddle won’t fit. 

Hoof Health

Horse’s hooves have to support the entire body. Hoof care must be the foundation for complete health care. Whether you’re dealing with laminitis, foundered horses, or general hoof health, get the help you need to make a world of difference.

Cranial Trauma

Weepy eyes, uveitis, spooking, hard to bridle, autoimmune issues, metabolic issues, Cushing’s disease, missing jumps, running into barrels— what do all of these things have in common? They’re indicators of cranial trauma in your horse!

Emotional Healing

When it comes to taking care of our equine friends, there’s a whole lot more going on beneath the surface than you might think! It’s not just about making sure they eat right and get their exercise. Horses have feelings too, and these emotions play a big role in their quality of life. 


Foals need bodywork, too! Foals encounter alignment issues due to tumbles or little mishaps during their early days that can impact their health, behavior, and quality of life. The earlier you start, the better.

I called April for two horses that needed body work. The first, River City Storm, was a renowned harness racing horse who retired from the track at the top of his game at age 14. It was clear that, as he started his new life as a saddle horse, Stormy had some issues related to a lifetime of racing. It was really wonderful to watch Stormy relax in April’s hands, and to see the incredibly positive effects of her work on him. Our second horse, Scarlett, is a 14-year-old Quarab mare we had purchased for dressage, trail riding, and some low level eventing. Scarlett had some serious issues with pain in her back: lovely to brush, she turned into a vicious horse when it came time to saddle. Other issues included the inability to pick up left lead; total inability to flex head and neck to the right; squealing, switching tail, and near bucking when dismounting. With April’s work, combined with my doing April’s equine yoga, Scarlett’s entire demeanor began to change. She now greets me at the pasture gate, and is much more relaxed about the saddle.


About April Love

Owner of Holistic Horseworks LLC, April Love empowers horse lovers to take healing into their own hands in order to keep their horses healthy, happy, and rideable through their 30’s while saving thousands of dollars on vet care.

She has created a unique IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) approved methodology that she teaches through in-person, hands-on clinics as well as virtual home study courses. April has also trained and vetted many instructors who share this practice worldwide.

Early on in her horse riding, care, and training career, April noticed that many people were just treating the symptoms that the horses were experiencing, and not solving the root of their issues. Most of all, she noticed that many horses labeled “problem horses” were really just in some kind of pain or discomfort, and in each of their hearts, they really just wanted a partner who was willing to listen.

After spending tens of thousands of dollars taking every horse care course she could find, April Love took her accumulated knowledge and blended it with her own unique insight in order to synthesize the Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding, CranioSacral Unwinding & Advanced Applied Kinesiology, and Equine Cranial Decompression methodologies.

Free Horse Care Consultation

Contact a free horse care consultation and to inquire about equine bodywork services on Maui. 

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(808) 868 – 1821

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