Holistic HorseWorks Talks with April Love
Welcome to April’s new podcast where she will be answering questions and talking about real stories from her listeners. We will be striving to bring you new, fresh content to help you solve all the “little issues” you may be having with your horse. The “good ole’ ways” just aren’t working anymore on today’s horses, that now have more stresses added to their lives.
General categories of the Talks will focus on hoof care, your horse’s body, its head and spooking, lameness causes, saddle fit, trailering, training and behavioral, and making older horses more comfortable.
Some topics have no content as yet.. Check back soon..
Saddle Fit -Coming soon
Wound care -Coming soon

Home Study Program
Equine Musculoskeletal Unwinding
April explains her accredited program, equine musculoskeletal unwinding. She also talks about how it is a very easy and personalized learning experience even when you’re studying at home or getting guidance from a distance reading. But if you prefer, she provides details to host a hands-on clinic. And last, she shares a fun way to spoil your horse.
Cranial compression.. -Coming soon
Mysterious -Coming soon
training/behavioral -Coming soon
colic -Coming soon
barefoot/shoeing -Coming soon
Cranial issues -Coming soon
EHV1 and Boosting Immunity
April shares some holistic options for boosting your horse’s immunity in response to a recent outbreak of equine herpes virus in Europe.
Jaclyn Strahan's Healy Experience, part 2
In this 3-part series, we are so grateful that Jaclyn Strahan shares her experiences with the Healy device. This is part 2 where Jaclyn talks about how long Healy sessions last and what she’s learning.
Healthy Fat and Energy Sources
April gives a simple recipe for a vegan fat source for our older horses, horses who may be missing teeth, or horses who just can seem to put on weight. She also shares how she fed Tiki for endurance rides when he had just minutes to fuel up for the next leg of the ride. And we finish up talking about keeping weight healthy, watching for hidden sugars, and insulin resistance.
What Jaclyn Strahan Learned from Level 1 and 2 courses
In this 2-part series, I interview Jaclyn Strahan about her experiences from taking April’s Level 1 and 2 courses. This first episode focuses on what she learned despite being a seasoned professional body worker.
Jaclyn Strahan's Healy Experience, part 3
In this 3-part series, we are so grateful that Jaclyn Strahan shares her experiences with the Healy device. In this last episode, Jaclyn describes how the Healy is impacting her work with horses as a practioner.
April's Horse Story
April tells her personal stories about how her passion for horses started and why she developed her program. From her years of work, she has seen how her program helps both the horse and the rider.
What Jaclyn Strahan Experienced during and after Level 1 and 2 courses
In this 2-part series, I interview Jaclyn Strahan about her experiences from taking April’s Level 1 and 2 courses. In this second episode, Jaclyn recounts her personal story of how the courses impacted her in very powerful ways and then how it continues to impact her clients and their horses.
Healy Human Experiences
April is so excited to share testimonial about her clients who have used the Healy microcurrent device when they’ve had a broken wrist and macular degeneration and other ailments.
Environmental Issues
April talks about how our horse’s environment may be affecting their behavior and their assimilation of minerals and ultimately their immune system.
Jaclyn Strahan's Healy Experience, part 1
In this 3-part series, we are so grateful that Jaclyn Strahan shares her experiences with the Healy device. In this first episode, Jaclyn told us what motivated her to try the Healy and then what happened.
Healy For Dogs, Cats and Horses
April recounts clients’ experiences using the Healy for their cat after a surgery and horses with COPD. She often finds there’s more that can help the animal.