Horse Communication Report on your horse – What is it?

$75    (

Get the package with her 2 videos and 120-page workbook for only $150 -plus shippig  (

Are you wondering what is going on with your horse? Spending thousands $$ on Saddle fitting and mysterious colic or lameness exams to not get the answers you are looking for? There are Holistic Alternatives to Bute or joint injections.

April has the intuitive ability to energetically scan the horse’s body to check for misalignments in skeletal and cranial bones and explain to you how to work on it yourself in her videos that are on watch instantly format. Also, the emotional side of the horse is addressed as well as asking the body if there are any bacterial or viral issues it is working on.

In a horse distance listening session, April connects with the horse to ask it a multitude of questions about:

1) Physical issues affecting their ability to move correctly and with ease. Asking them where they have pain.
2) Cranial Sacral issues-head tossing, spooking, heavier on one rein. (Google CranialSacral for humans to see what issues may arise in your horse.) Every horse has usually pull back when tied at least once in its life doing cranial compression damage.
3) Emotional issues affecting their behavior as well as their organs. (see Dr Bradley Nelson Emotion Code book)
4) Environmental – Is there anything in their home environment affecting their health and wellness? Drinking water source is coming up as a big stress factor in the last 3 years.
5) Chemical toxicity issues in the body can affect the absorption of nutrients – this means is your horse absorbing the nutrition you are feeding them?

What April needs for a session:
Please email altogether in one email to April

  • 2 photographs of your horse standing on a flat surface with head up, neck straight in a relaxed stance. One picture is of the left side of the horse one picture of the right side of the horse  Include the horse’s name, age, and goals for the horse. Also, include any specific surgeries, injuries, or health issues that the horse has undergone.   
  • This process can take about 4-5 days
  • April then emails you back a 10 page PDF from the information she got from your horse and her videos and workbook walk you through to work on this yourself.
  • When you feel you are done you email her 2 new pics and she lets you know if your horse feels that you have addressed all the issues.

Everyone that has gone through this with their horse reports back a happier healthier horse moving with more ease and joy. Also, the horse owner reports an awareness of their healing abilities and growth empowering themselves.

The worst thing you can do is not try!

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